St. James Chapel Spring 2019 Newsletter

Despite the crazy spring weather, summer feels like it’s just around the corner. Returning from a preaching engagement at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City, followed by lunch with a group of chapel friends hosted by Mac Gatch, I was reminded that the chapel 2019 season is almost upon us.

We’re going to have a wonderful time together with some fabulous preachers (many of them under 40) who will offer gospel insights and perspectives from a variety of contexts, through both sermons and patio conversations.

Summer is a time of rest, refreshment, re-creation, and renewal. I often say that this is a time to push the re-set button of our busy lives. Therefore, on the Sundays when we have no guest preacher, I will lead us in conversations about the Way of Love, which according to our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, is the Way of Jesus. Over the summer, you might want to consider reading Living the Way of Love, a collection of 40 short reflections and exercises by Mary Bea Sullivan.

When we gather at the Chapel this summer, we will celebrate and reflect God’s work in our lives and the world around us. We will catch up with old friends and welcome new ones. We will remember those we love and see no longer. We will enjoy the gift of God’s creation, the blessing of Sabbath, the joy of community, and the abundance of food and drink. We will also maintain the Chapel’s tradition of offering fifty percent of our annual giving to area non-profits who bring their own energy, generosity, and hope twelve months out of the year to a place about which we care so much.

Please join us this Spring in making a gift to sustain the ministry of The Chapel and its witness to the goodness of God and the good work being done among God’s people in Wellfleet. And then, join us this summer for worship in a simple building with a simple table on a beautiful hillside on a spit of land sticking out into the sea.


Tracey Lind, Priest-in-Charge